How to build reference genome?

Scenario 1: Building a reference genome that is compatible with single-cell data from different platforms.

If you have both single-cell data from 10X Genomics and SeekOne products, it is recommended to use 10X CellRanger to build the reference genome. SeekSoulTools and SeekOneTools are both compatible with the reference genome built by CellRanger.

/path/to/cellranger mkgtf Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.ensembl.gtf Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.ensembl.filtered.gtf \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:protein_coding \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:lncRNA \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:antisense \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:IG_LV_gene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:IG_V_gene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:IG_V_pseudogene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:IG_D_gene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:IG_J_gene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:IG_J_pseudogene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:IG_C_gene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:IG_C_pseudogene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:TR_V_gene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:TR_V_pseudogene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:TR_D_gene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:TR_J_gene \
    --attribute=gene_biotype:TR_J_pseudogene \
cellranger mkref --genome=GRCh38 --fasta=GRCh38.fa --genes=GRCh38-filtered-ensembl.gtf
cd GRCh38/genes
gunzip -dc genes.gtf.gz > genes.gtf


  • If the reference genome built by CellRanger is not compatible with the STAR version of SeekOneTools, you can specify the STAR path of CellRanger for SeekOneTools with --star_path.

  • The chromosome names in fasta files must match the chromosome names in the gtf file. For example, if the name of chromosome 1 in fasta files is chr1, then the name of chromosome 1 in the gtf file must also be chr1.

Scenario 2: if you only have SeekOne products, there is no need to consider platform compatibility.

/demo/seeksoultools.1.2.0/bin/STAR \
  --runMode genomeGenerate \
  --runThreadN 16 \                        
  --genomeDir /path/to/star \              
  --genomeFastaFiles /path/to/genome.fa \  
  --sjdbGTFfile /path/to/genome.gtf \      
  --sjdbOverhang 149 \                     
  --limitGenomeGenerateRAM 17179869184     


  • The chromosome names in fasta files must match the chromosome names in the gtf file. For example, if the name of chromosome 1 in fasta files is chr1, then the name of chromosome 1 in the gtf file must also be chr1.